Operations Manager


Please welcome Kunal Patel to the Serpa Automotive Group, taking on the role as manager, Toronto Auto Finance Services (TAFS), our innovative no-turn down, stress-free auto finance arm. An economics and finance graduate of Brock University (alma mater of several Serpa people), Kunal has been interested in finance since his early days. He has worked in dealerships and other finance companies. Kunal’s parents operated a motel in the Niagara area where he grew up so he learned his customer service in that business. For our Indian customers, Kunal speaks Gujarati and enjoys sports, particularly basketball in his spare time. “I like listening to what customers have to say,” says Kunal. “Then I try to do the very best with what I have.” We will be expanding TAFS and we look forward to Kunal’s help in moving it forward and serving more customers.

(416) 350-5555